What are Rescue Dogs?


By Barbara McGinley


Hello and welcome to my Love A Rescue Dog website. Many people ask me what are rescue dogs and what is their significance as opposed to any other dog?  In this introduction to my Love A Rescue Dog website, I will be discussing this in the paragraphs below.

However, I first wanted to convey to you my reason(s) for creating a website about rescue dogs. This is a very personal mission for me because I have a sincere passion for dogs who are rescued and sent to shelters or other rescue organizations to live their lives out until someone decides to foster or adopt them.

I’ve always loved having a dog as a pet.  There were many places I lived, that would not allow me to have a dog.  For the longest time, I went without having one.

The first one I was able to have lived to just under the age of twelve.  She was a beautiful tan and white cocker spaniel.  Her heartbreaking death in 2017, left me alone and saddened.  The house was just too quiet with just one person in it.  When I lost my her, I lost my only companion.  I mourned her loss deeply.

I was advised and encouraged to look into getting a rescue/shelter dog, when I was ready to have another dog in my life.  In doing so, I would save a dog that someone had abandoned, mistreated or neglected.

I did exactly that and found my best Wingman.  I never thought I would ever love another dog again, but second Chances do happen.  I went to my local shelter and adopted a little guy that had just turned one years old. He’s a mix between a Chihuahua and a Whippet. His original name was Hayes.

I thought this to be a very strange name to give a little guy like this.  It just didn’t fit him at all.  So instead, I changed it, and a little guy named Chance came home with me that day.  I felt the name was very appropriate, since we gave each other that second Chance at love again.

Chance will be with me for three years in November 2020 and in September of 2020, he’ll be four years old.  He too is tan with a white neck, face and little white paws.  His tail is tan with hints of black throughout.

I guess you can say my rescue dog passion began when I walked into that shelter and saw all those dogs with happy and sad little faces, all vying for my attention.  It was like a pierce through my heart to only be able to choose one and not more. Now I advocate on the side of adopting instead of shopping.

“Saving one animal won’t change the world, but for that one animal, the world changes forever”

Barbara McGinley, Founder/Creator: Love a Rescue Dog; lovearescuedog93016@gmail.com


Find out what it takes to adopt a rescue dog, but also learn more about the benefits of adopting a rescue dog!

Are you wondering how to do your best to welcome a rescue dog into your home?

Tips, tricks, and special features that will help you on your journey!

12 thoughts on “Homepage”

  1. Barbara,

    We briefly chatted on Sunday at the Homestead Run craft fair. I’m with SAVE. Want to thank you for all the information you provide on your website. It’s great to have lots of resources at my fingertips. I have had dogs and cats all of my life. Training my girl Snoopy is a huge challenge. Her behavior is quite different than any other furbabie I’ve owned and loved. We’ll get there though.

    Thanks again,


    1. Hi Faye,
      It was nice chatting with you on Sunday at the craft fair. I am happy to hear that you enjoyed reading the information I have posted on my Love A Rescue Dog website.

      I hope you’ll find a behaviorist trainor to help you with Snoopy and her issues. She looks like a sweetheart.

      I appreciate your comments and hope you will check back for new articles very soon.

      All the best to you and Snoopy.

  2. Elizabeth Johnson

    My name is Elizabeth Johnson. I’m a long-time dog lover. I have a little over 3 years’ experience as an animal rescue volunteer and I work as a pet sitter. I’m also a freelance writer. I self-published my first novel last fall.

    I’d love to put my animal skills and writing and editing skills to use to increase activity and productivity for your website! I love learning about dogs and I love finding and correcting grammar mistakes, typo or formatting errors, and oddly worded sentences. 🙂

    For freelance writing or editing, I currently charge $18 per hour. If you’d like, I could send you a writing sample to give you an idea.

    Best wishes to you and yours!
    Elizabeth Johnson

    1. Hi Elizabeth,
      Thank you for your interest in my website and for inquiring about becoming my editor. Unfortunately, I just recently hired an editor who will be taking on the duties of fine tuning my posts.

      All the best to you,

  3. Wonderful thing to do for our furry friends. We have 3 rescue cats and 1 dog rescued from a puppy mill. the cats from the humane society in Canada. Best of friends to us , so loyal. I am glad to see your love for dogs and other animals. great Work Great Job.

    1. Hello Michael,
      I am so glad you decided to check out Love A Rescue Dog. Having a rescue dog yourself, it may be very helpful to you.
      Thank you for rescuing all you animals. I hate the thought of puppy mills and stray animals who have been abandoned just wandering the streets or being tied to chains and left to die.
      It breaks my heart. This website is to make people aware of the situation, to adopt dogs/animals from shelters and rescue organizations instead of shopping. Also, I think it enlightens people on how to provide good care to an adopted dog.

      Hope you find something within the website that is interesting and also helpful to you.

      Thank you for stopping by. I certainly appreciate your support.

      Best regards,

  4. Barbara you are a true blessing and I never imagined someone in a different state would be willing to reach out and help me find the resources for a mom & her 7 puppies who desperately need help ! Thank you so very much oh there just are no words to truly show my appreciation for all the wonderful help you have provided its above and beyond !

    1. Hello Tammy,
      I appreciate your blessings and your gratitude. It has been my pleasure trying to help you, Milly and the pups in whatever way I can.
      A woman named Caroline Mctaggart from the Love A Rescue Dog Facebook group may contact you. She just lost a dog and her female dog is very lonely. She would like to offer a pup a good home. So please check your email, even your spam box just in case.

      May God watch over all of you!🙏🙏💙💙

    1. April,
      Thank you for stopping by my website today.
      If you are serious about rescuing a dog, you should investigate the local shelter and rescue organization.
      I would though, check out some of the articles in my website Love A Rescue Dog, since there is a great deal of good information the look through to help you make your decision.

      Take care and I hope you Adopt the best fur baby for your.
      Best Wishs for a great 2021!

  5. My husband and I have acquired the two dogs we have now as rescues. One came from a breed rescue place and the other from a local humane society. They are both great dogs, good looking and loving. Any flaws? well, yeah, but hubby and I have plenty too.

    1. Hi Rosana,
      Sorry it has taken me so long to respond to your comment. Your comment went to an email address that I no longer use, so it got lost in the transition of email addresses. Thank you for visiting my Love A Rescue Dog website. I still have a great deal of work to do on it before it will be as I intended it to be. Rescuing dogs in my book, has to be one of the most rewarding experiences a person can ever know. To love an animal so deeply as to give them a forever home when no one else will, is the best feeling I know. Wingman Chance will be with me 3 years come November and it was the best decision I made, after losing my cocker spaniel Gidget to heart disease. Yes, Chance has his flaws, but as you say…I’m not perfect either.

      Best regards,

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