Is your best furry friend getting gnarly looking? Hair hanging down over their eyes. Are his/her teeth gross looking and their breath stinky?
Are your dog’s nails too long? Are his/her ears full of yucky, crusty stuff? If so, it’s time for your dog to be groomed.
Did you know grooming improves your dog’s health? You should groom your dog on a regular basis to avoid potential health issues.
The Basics – All You Will Need!
Bathing and brushing your dog should be done regularly, even with dogs who have very short hair. Bathing is always important to keep your dog clean.
When it comes to brushing, this not only eliminates matting and tangles in long-haired dogs but it also massages and stimulates them.
Trimming nails, not only assures that your dog will not get infections in their paws but long nails cause other issues such as scratching the owner, tearing furniture fabric and car seats and putting pulls in your carpet pile.
You should clean your dog’s teeth, eyes and ears. When doing so, be gentle because; just like humans, some dogs do not like being poked and prodded either.
For instance, when I try to clean my dog’s (Chance) teeth, he wants none of it! He figits and pulls his head away. When cleaning teeth, look for tartar.
Try to reduce further occurrences by brushing each day and use chewing products that help eliminate tartar. Some treats will do this.
If you are cleaning eyes, use wipes that are specifically made for cleaning eyes. Dog’s accumulate a lot of goop in their eyes, so make sure you wipe thoroughly. Gunk in your dog’s eyes can cause infections.
Cleaning your dog’s ears are absolutely imperative. Check for redness inside the ear because this could indicate signs of infection.
Dog’s can accumulate lots of dirt and grime in their ears. This also can cause infections if left unattended.
Do not use Q-tips. They can cause damage to the eardrum. They also push dirt and crut further into the ear canal.
You Should Groom Often – How Often Is Often?
Grooming should occur at least every five weeks depending on the type of dog you have. With my Chance; because his hair is short, he doesn’t need a cut, he just gets a bath and nail trimming.
If he gets smelly and his nails gnarly, that’s how I judge when it’s time for him to be groomed. It could be different for your dog though.
If your dog has oily skin, they can collect a great deal of dirt on their bodies. Skin infections and rashes can occur, so give them a bath more often.
Some dogs shed extremely. Brushing and bathing more often is essential. Ignoring this will result in your dog having serious matting issues. problems to deal with.
So you ask “How often is often?” Check out this YouTube video made by TLC Groomers. Do what’s right for your dog.
Doing Grooming At Home – What You’ll Need
If you groom your dog at home, dog it right. You will need certain essential equipment.
At the least you should have the basics; such as buzzers, shears, scissors, brushes, shampoo, conditioners, a blow dryer, cleaning solution for ears, nail clippers, some sort of table to work from and obviously you’ll need a bathtub.
Also you can use a doggy deodorant to keep your dog smelling clean and fresh.
Know Your Groomer – Your Dog Will Feel More Comfortable
If you prefer to have your dog professionally groomed, you should choose a groomer that you can trust to put your dog at ease.
Because if your dog is anxious, it doesn’t make for great grooming experience for your dog or the groomer.
If you have to medicate your dog relax them in preparation, that isn’t such a great idea either. Your dog will feel the effects if the medication well after the grooming is over.
I found a groomer that cared for my previous dog (Gidget). She was wonder with her. She had a way of getting her relaxed and that made it was easier for her to be groomed.
After Gidget passed and I rescued Chance, I continued to use her (Tara & Cindy) because I know their personalities now and most importantly, I trust them to take great care of Chance.
Together they have over twenty years of experience in the dog grooming business. I recommend them to all of my dog parent friends.
For anyone in my area of NJ, Tara and Cindy’s business name is Cutie Pawtootie. You can google them or find them on Facebook.
Splish, Splash, I’m Taking a Bath!
I talked about cleaning ears, eyes and teeth in a previous paragraph but we haven’t yet discussed one important area of the dogs body that requires extra care.
After bathing your dog; whether it be at home or the groomer’s, attention should be paid the the back end. I’m referring to the butt and private parts.
The hair around these areas should be shaved very close to provide adequate ventilation and avoid bodily waste getting caught up in these areas of the dog’s body.
Healthy, Happy and Clean Dog – Inside and Out
Proper grooming and hygiene are essential for keeping your dog healthy. Make sure your dog is groomed on a regular basis to prevent disease, especially from fleas, ticks and mites.
Check with your groomer to see how often your specific dog should be groomed.
I would like to hear from you about how you groom your dog. Do you do it yourself or do you have a favorite groomer? You may leave your thoughts, questions and comments in the section below this article and I will be happy to respond.
All the best!
Founder/Creator: Love A Rescue Dog 🐶
“Saving one animal won’t change the world, but for that one animal, the world changes forever”
Always something to learn. I never thought of cutting my dogs nails until now. I have 2 dogs , 1 puppy and the other one about 2 years old. I guess I’ll have to find some groomer now because all along I thought I could just do the grooming by myself but looks like it really does need an expert. Thanks for this eye opening article Barbara.
I am glad you found my article on grooming very useful.
If you find a groomer, ask them to teach you howto properly cut your dogs nails at home. You can purchase nail clippers or a grinder to do it yourself but you need to need to know how to do it without injuring your dog.
A sincere thank you,
Hi Barbara,
While doing some research online on dog care and general tips I came across your uplifting and educational article. Being a dog lover and having a dog in our home for the first time your post means a lot to me. I got helpful insights from your article.
To be honest, we just provide bath to our dog regularly but we are not brushing his teeth and cleaning his ear. The information you shared is an eye-opener for me. And this is the first time we are raising a dog and his is just 8 months old.
Thanks for the helpful information on grooming and I am bookmarking your article for future reference. Great information, you have really given a lot of value here.
I am honored that you have found my article to be very useful to you. Since you are a first-time dog owner and your dog is still a pup, I would like to recommend that you visit my entire website because it is packed with useful information for dog owners, new and experienced.
A sincere thank you,
Oh my God! This information is a great deal of info. Personally, I never knew so much about grooming a dog but after reading this guide, I am well informed about it. It is so important for our dog’s safety and health. You made the whole process smooth but as a beginner in dog grooming, it’d be better to get a professional dog groomer to do the job initially and learn from them. So much work… Thanks for sharing.
I am honored that you found my article to be very useful to you. You are absolutely correct. Initially, you should use a groomer and learn from them. You want to take every precaution before attempting to groom your dog yourself because you can injure them if not done correctly. We certainly wouldn’t want that to happen.
A sincere thank you,
Many thanks to you for sharing such a beautiful article with us .You must be applauded for such a great article because I have a dog and it is my best friend I want and always be healthy .In fact, the dog also has some grooming and cleanliness .And I didn’t know how to do it. Through your article I understand very well. About the decoration, the eyes, nose, ears, teeth, fur etc. are all related .I never knew that a dog’s teeth should be brushed, and I knew about regular bathing which I learned better from your article. And regularly cut the nails, the ear should be cleaned,you have to clean your eyes. And through your article I found out that I have Buzzers, scissors, scissors, brushes, shampoos, conditioners, a blow dryer, cleaning solution for the ears, nail clippers, any type of table to work with, and possibly a bathtub should be used to keep the dog clean and healthy.Dog deodorant should be used to keep the dog’s smell clean and fresh .I think the dog will feel more comfortable if I choose to professionally equip my dog .I will pass this article on to my other friends and yours
Thanks again for the great article I would like some articles in the future .And I agree with you that dog grooming is much needed .
Thank you very much for you comments on my post. I appreciate that you have found some of it useful to you.
My sincere thank you,
I always come back to your site and I read with pleasure all your articles. Certainly this website of yours is added to my favorites section and I think all dog owners and lovers should see your amazing work. Dog grooming can be very easy if you know how to do it. I still have problems with my Labrador who does not want to stay at all and tries to run away. Having only a few months, I know it’s a little harder until he will get used to it. I honestly don’t need a dog groomer. I love my dog and I really like doing this and I think reading your articles, everyone can become a professional in this.
Thank for this articles and if you don’t mind i will share it on my social media account where i have a lot of people who love dogs.
Thank you oh so much for your wonderful endorsement of my website. I am honored that you have it bookmarked and that you’ll be sharing it on your social media page. My entire website is There are so many other posts and pages in my site that may be helpful to you and the people you are connected with on social media.
All the best to you!